Self-hosted Live Chat

Self-hosted Live Chat
Self-hosted Live Chat Self-hosted Live Chat Self-hosted Live Chat
Price: $299.00

What is SunflowerBiz Live Chat?
This is a self-hosted and PHP-based live chat software with all the scripts unencrypted. It can be easily installed on your server for online customer support and removes the need to jump to a 3rd-party server. It gives a faster and more smooth customer experience to increase customer satisfaction and sales conversion rate.
It's a PHP-based live chat software suitable for all PHP-based systems including but not limited to Magento, Opencart, Prestashop, Woocommerce, Shopware, etc. It supports both English and Chinese languages.
With a powerful backend system, it allows you to add a live chat widget to your site, customize its look and feel, position it on the page and set canned messages for quick responses. It also supports SMTP to connect to your email server to send offline message notifications. 
Server Requirements:
  • PHP5 or plus.
  • MySQL 5.2 or newer.
  • Self-hosted live chat
  • Unencrypted scripts
  • Customizable Widget
  • Real-time notifications.
  • Get visitors' IP and source URL.
  • Support canned messages 
  • Support file transfer
  • Lifetime chat history storage     
  • Unlimited operators
  • Unlimited customer connections
  • Support Chinese and English languages
  • Suitable for all PHP-based systems.

Why SunflowerBiz Live Chat?

  • A self-hosted live chat avoids server connection issues.
  • It provides a faster and more smooth customer experience.
  • Increase customer satisfaction and sales conversion rates.






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