Warranty & Return Policy



  • SunflowerBiz.com provides multiple options of software updates. Once the free update period is over, it’s possible to extend it to the lifetime update by clicking the “renew” button on the extension download page.
  • SunflowerBiz.com provides 1-year free support for products purchased from us. Once a 1-year free support period is over, it’s possible to extend it to another support period by purchasing the extended warranty.
  • Free support/update only applies to the same platform version branch. If you have purchased the extension for Magento 1.x, free support/update only applies to Magento 1.x.


Return Policy

If there is any bug in our module, we will fix it for free.

If we can’t fix the bug in our module, we will refund 100% payment.

We provide paid services for fixing incompatibility issues with any other 3rd-party theme or extensions. Our hourly rate is $30.

If we can’t fix the incompatibility issue, we will refund 100% payment.

Note: Only accept refunds within 30 days of purchase.



Delivery without installation

The software package will be available for download as soon as your payment information is accepted. You will get a link to download files in account->download after login to our store.

Delivery with installation

If you buy an extension package with the paid installation, please contact us and indicate access details to your server. The extension will be installed as soon as your payment information is verified.


Notification of Changes

SunflowerBiz.com reserves the right to change these conditions from time to time as it sees fit and your continued use of the site will signify your acceptance of any adjustment to these terms. Any changes to our privacy policy and terms of use will be posted on our website. You are advised to re-read this statement regularly.


Be free to contact us if any questions.